Difference between Apigee Edge and Apigee X
Google has launched Apigee X, the next major release of the Apgiee API management platform.it has been noted that the number of API calls has gone up 47% from last year and the Apigee platform now handles about 2.2 trillion API calls per year.

The core updates are integrations with Google Cloud’s AI, security, networking tools, and integrations with Google’s Cloud Armor firewall. So no need to use third-party tools for firewall needs.
Feature comparison
The following sections give you the difference between Apigee Edge and Apigee X (and Apigee hybrid).
Summary of current feature differences:
The following table describes feature-level differences between Apigee X (and Apigee hybrid) and the Apigee Edge for Public Cloud platforms.
Differences with Trace:
The following table compares the differences in how Trace operates in Apigee X versus Apigee Edge Cloud:
Which Apigee Edge features are removed in ApigeeX?
Google does not plan to support the following features in Apigee X :
• APIs to:
◦ Manipulate KVM entries.
◦ Search for or revoke OAuth access tokens.
• Developer portal development using Drupal 7.
• OAuth v1 or Oauthv1.0a policy.
Management API comparison:
The following table gives the comparison between management APIs in Apigee X and Apigee Edge.
place holder compar3
The above lists are high-level Comparision between Apigee edge and ApigeeX.
Sources: https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/get-started/compare-apigee-products